Monday, August 27, 2018

A Look Into The Third Chakra

This past week, I have had the very interesting pleasure of looking into the third chakra of both myself and others. There is such a vast and other worldly feel to this chakra in comparison to the first and second chakra. It has felt as if this chakra is almost like a window into one's soul. Looking into this area is like peeling away  time lines and dimensions so the past can be seen in the present. This chakra is the record keeper the minute person at the meeting. In here the past, present and future can be seen. In addition to this very amazing feature, this region also has a direct connection to sustenance and one's will to live or to die. I feel, because of the weight, or seriousness of this chakra, there is a certain "fail-safe" built into this area. Similar to the crown chakra, the third chakra has a direct line to God. It is our umbilicus to Spirit. Our lifeline that we can choose to either fully embrace and awaken to, or sadly, not...but the choice, in the end, is our own. I choose to wholeheartedly love and connect with both God and with all aspects of my being: past, present, and future. Won't you consider opening your heart, your third chakra, to do the same?

Monday, August 20, 2018

What Is The Second Chakra?

I have learned that the second chakra is a highly individualized energy powerhouse. It is not necessarily something seen with the physical eye but instead, is seen in the minds eye. For me, this chakra, which is located in the pelvic region, represents life. On a very practical level, this is the very area where physical life (a baby) is nurtured and developed. This is also the place where other "babies" are formed as in our dreams, hopes and aspirations. Staying grounded in this chakra requires finding a balance between allowing our inner desires to be brought to fruition and between owning our divine masculine and feminine powers. 

If you feel like you are stuck in a rut, start tuning into the feelings and images you have when looking at this chakra. Try going outdoors, barefoot, and tapping into nature. Breathe in her essence and start asking this question, "what is my second chakra asking of me today"? Whatever the response, pay attention to this inner knowing and lovingly give your second chakra what it is asking!

Monday, August 13, 2018

Victora Reese ~ Coming Out Of My Spiritual Closet

Hello! My name is Victoria Reese. I am currently a student of Robin Eagle Sage's school called the Sage School of Light. I enrolled in this amazing program initially to further my healing knowledge, skills, and abilities with a goal to become a medical intuitive. To my delight, just six months into this two and a half year program, I am finding my freedom. By this I mean, I am finally learning to embrace all of the aspects of myself that I hid from both myself and others. Aspects such as my,  HSP-ness (Highly Sensitive Person), my connection to the unseen (the "Claires") and my connection to God, gaia and all that exists between the two. I am finding such a freedom as I step out of my self-limiting, fear based spiritual closet and into my truth, my power and my liberation.

I welcome you to come along this journey with me as I explore both the seen and the unseen of energy work, healing and medical intuition. Our class will be looking into many topics over these next few years. Topics we are going to explore include grounding and meditation, chakras, auras and animal communication. To learn more about this program, please visit Robin Eagle Sage's School of Light.

Big Love,
Victoria ~

A Look Into The Third Chakra This past week, I have had the very interesting pleasure of looking into the third chakra of both myself and...